Health & Safety Issues
In group care situations one of the most troublesome problems is controlling the spread of infections among the children and staff.
The Hygiene Policy is in the centre’s Policy and Procedures Book located in the Foyer next to the signing in and out sheets. The application of universal hygiene procedures will be followed at the Centre at all times to control the spread of infection. Staff model a high level of personal hygiene at all times, and place emphasis on the children learning and understanding why hygiene is important. Hand washing is central to this system and children will be introduced to washing their hands before all clean tasks (i.e. meals) and after all dirty tasks (i.e. after using the toilet) as soon as they developmentally ready.
Immunisation of children who attend the Centre will help to limit the spread of infection.
The Immunisation Policy is in the centre’s Policy and Procedures Book located in the Foyer next to the signing in and out sheets.We encourage parents to immunise their children against all diseases appropriate to the child’s age. A record of your child’s current immunisation status will be kept at the Centre. Children who are not immunised will be excluded from care during outbreaks of some infectious diseases in accordance with the National Health & Medical Research Councilexclusion guidelines (on display in the foyer), even if the child is well. This is to limit the spread of infection and protect non immunised children.
As a protection for all children and staff the following exclusion policy applies to all children enrolled in the Centre. The Exclusion Policy is in the centre’s Policies and Procedures Book located in the Foyer next to the signing in and out sheets. Children with infectious diseases will be excluded from the Centre in accordance with the National Health & Medical Research Council exclusion guidelines (on display in the foyer). A clearance certificate from your child’s doctor, is required to pronounce the child fit for child care, before your child can return to the Centre. If your child is unwell at home please do not bring him/her to the Centre. Children who have more than a slight cold should not be brought to the Centre and may not be accepted at the Coordinator’s discretion. Fevers, vomiting, diarrhoea or unexplained rashes are some of the indications that a child should not be brought to the Centre.
Unwell Children at the Centre
The Centre is not able to care for children who are ill. The following policy has been developed to protect your child and the other children attending the Centre.
The Policy on Unwell Children is in the centre’s Policies and Procedures Book located in the foyer.
It is important that the Coordinator or the child’s caregiver be notified if your child has been unwell or received an injury since last attending the Centre. In the event your child becomes ill whilst at the Centre, you will be contacted and asked to collect your child. Where the Coordinator has asked you to seek medical advice regarding your child’s health, you will be given details about your child’s symptoms and information of any illnesses that have recently affected children and/or staff at the centre to relay to the doctor. The doctor will need to provide a Clearance Certificate that pronounces your child fit for care before they can return to the centre. On your child’s enrolment form you have given approval for an ambulance or doctor to be called if urgent medical attention is required. Every effort will be made to contact you or your nominated emergency contact people as soon as possible. All medical and ambulance costs are the parent’s responsibility. In the event of an outbreak of a communicable disease at the centre, families and the Health Department will be notified.
The giving of medication to children will be strictly monitored to ensure the child’s safety and welfare.
The Medication Policy is in the centre’s Policies and Procedure Book located in the foyer.
Wherever possible, medication should be administered by parents/guardians at home. However, we are aware that this is not always feasible. Therefore, to ensure children’s safety and welfare, the giving of medication at the centre will be strictly monitored. Parents/guardians should consider whether the child who requires medication is well enough to be at
the centre and to keep the child home if they are unwell.
Medication will only be administered by Centre staff if:
It is prescribed by a doctor and has the original pharmaceutical label detailing the child’s name, the name of the medication, the required dosage, the date of dispensing and the expiry date; OR
It is still in the original pharmaceutical packaging (ie. Non-prescription medication), indicating the name of the medication, the dosage, age appropriateness and the expiry date; AND
The parent has completed and signed an authority to give medication form on the day that it is to be administered.
You must never leave medication in your child’s bag or add medication to your baby’s bottle. You must inform a staff member, place the medication in the Medication cupboard or in the refrigerator, if necessary; and complete an Authority to give Medication Form. At the end of the day you must collect the medication from the cupboard or fridge. Only prescribed medications, or medications accompanied by an explanatory letter from the child’s Doctor will be administered by staff at the Centre. This is to ensure an accurate dosage of appropriate medicine is given to children at all times.
The centre will provide you with a list of ointments, creams and applications used at the centre, such as sunscreen, insect repellent, antiseptic cream, nappy rash cream, teething gel, band aides etc. You will be required to sign your consent that these applications can be applied to your child, or provide an alternative brand for your child’s use. Any other creams or applications will require completion of an Authority to give Medication Form in line with administration of medication policy.
Where medication is needed for long term treatment (eg. Asthma, epilepsy, ADD), or your child has severe allergies (anaphylaxis) the centre will need you and your child’s doctor to complete a ‘Special Health Needs Support Plan’, and/or an ‘Emergency Action Plan’. If a child is receiving medication at home but not at the centre, the centre should still be notified of the purpose of the medication, its nature and the possible side effects it may have on the child while they are in care.
Occupational Safety and Health
Our Centre is concerned with protecting the health and safety of children and staff at the Centre.
Relevant information for parents from your Occupational Health & Safety Policy in the centre’s Policies and Procedures Book located in the foyer next to the signing in and out sheets. In the interest of Occupational Safety and Health, and the well being of the children, the Centre is a smoke-free zone. This includes all indoor and outdoor play areas and anywhere that is within sight of the children. We request that parents adhere to this. Staff are vigilant to identify and remove any hazards that may create a risk to children or themselves. All equipment, toys and play areas are checked regularly to ensure they are clean and safe for children’s use.
Sun Protection
To ensure all children attending the Centre are protected from skin damage caused by harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun the following applies:
The Sun Protection Policy is in the centre’s Policies and Procedures Book located in the foyer . Children will wear a hat which protects the face, neck and ears whenever outside and will be encouraged to use available areas of shade during outdoor activities. SPF 30+ broad spectrum water resistant sunscreen will be provided for children and applied 15 minutes before going outside. Outdoor play will not occur in extreme heat or at the hottest time of the day. Staff will act as role models, by wearing hats, applying sunscreen and seeking the shade wherever possible.
Safety Drills
Safety drills will be practiced to ensure that children and staff are familiar with the procedures should an emergency occur. Emergency evacuation and safety drills will be practiced at the Centre every 3 months. Evacuation procedures are displayed in the foyer and in each play room. Parents are asked to familiarise themselves with these procedures.
Despite every precaution, accidents will occur at the Centre from time to time. The following policy will be implemented to protect your child and keep you informed should an accident occur.
The Accident Policy is in the centre’s Policies and Procedures Book located in the foyer. You are required to provide written authority (included in the enrollment form) for staff of the Centre to seek medical attention for your child if required. In the case of a minor accident, staff who are qualified in First Aid will attend to the injured child and apply first aid. Depending on the injury, you will be contacted at the time of the accident or informed about the incident when you arrive to collect your child. If a serious accident occurs which requires more than simple first aid treatment you will be contacted immediately or, if you cannot be contacted, your emergency contact person will be phoned. Your child’s injuries will be assessed and either an ambulance will be called or your child will be taken to a local clinic or medical practitioner for medical treatment. A staff member will accompany your child until you are able to be there. You will be asked to sign an accident report completed by the person in charge at the Centre at the time of the accident, and be provided with a copy of this report.