Family Access
We will work in partnership with families at all times and welcome your input and access to the service according to the following guidelines: taken on excursions outside of the Centre as part of the planned activities of the Centre.
Staff at the Centre considered to be an integral part of the children’s program of the child will be be arranged from time to Excursions are are supportive of children and their parents. Both parents and will therefore treated equally. Without legal documentation range of learning experiences for children. Permission . another to the legal rights of their time to provide a broad staff cannot act as though one parent is more fit than for all excursion will be sought from child. Parents may visit the the outing any reasonable time All excursions willis in care. However, you are requested to give parents and details of centre at provided in writing. whilst their child comply with the Children & Community services consideration to the time of day so(WA).other children are not disturbed e.g. rest time. Any concerns you have in outings. You (Child Care) Regulations 2006 that Alternative arrangements will be made for children not participating may be discussed with yournot to send your child onCoordinator at any reasonable time. All information about your child interests of are requested child’s caregiver or the an excursion if they display any signs of being unwell. This is in the will always be treated with the up most confidentiality.
Custodial Issues:
Where a child attending the Centre is not living with both parents, or where disputes arise in relation to responsibility for the child, the following will apply:
Parental responsibility remains with both parents jointly and individually except where it is altered by an orderof the Family Court of Australia. In the absence of such an order the child will be released to either parent whois the authorised person to collect the child on the enrollment form
Where a non-enrolling parent cites an Order of the Family Court giving him/herself lawful access to the child,the order needs to be produced for inspection by the Coordinator. The enrolling parent will be telephoned bothto check the existence of the order and to be informed about the situation.
The child will only be released into the care of the enrolling parent, or other persons specifically authorised bythe enrolling parent, except when the Department for Community Services or the Police specifically directotherwise under the provisions of the Children & Community Services Act.